Recently I decided to try to push my website into an upswing
being that it’s the second half of the year, and these include various things;
selling hookah, more blogging, video updates, and one thing I am very excited yet nervous
about beginning and that is a modeling agency to accompany our hookah sales. I
have been researching a lot on this matter, praying, mediating, and asking for
advice from all angles, and at some points I felt like I should just scrap the
whole idea because it would just be too much work.
I mean how I could be
getting so worked up about a simple idea, that hasn’t even yet come into form
just imagine what it will be like if I actually start planning and spending!
All of the various reasons to give up on my dream for right now seemed to make
a lot of sense, but something in my head kept telling me, that I can do it. And
once I meditating, prayed some more, and just relaxed a little, I realized that
I don’t need to stress about the who, what, when where or why, but just remaining
at peace about the whole situation and remember is that god gave me this
mission “All girls are Pretty. All girls are worth it. All Girls should know
it.” So with this truly being the mission, as long as I touch at least one
young woman, I can never say I failed.
My future is something I plan for constantly, especially
when it involves my business pursuits. It’s like the one thing I allow myself
to worry about from time to time, but in the end worrying only seems to make me
feel uneasy, and with or without this anxious ness, God makes a way for it all
to happen. Remaining at peace has been a goal of mind for some time, and it
takes me back t a quote I heard on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, “When you’re worrying
about the past, you are suffering. When you are worrying about the future you
are anxious. When you are living in today, you are at peace.” And isn’t that
all we really ever want to be? It is for me at least.
My be at peace tattoo (upper fore arm) April 2014 |
So no, I don’t know how this modeling agency is going to
begin, or how any of the future in this next 6 months of 2014 will go, but I
have to say I know that if God is going to continue to be as good to me as he
has been all my life, then nothing ca stop me from holding my head up and
facing life every step of the way, and I hope you will to J #DontBiteTheAppleEve